Call for 2012 USCF Delegate Nominations

Call for applicants interested in being Illinois’ voting delegates in the USCF

USCF has asked its state affiliates to choose this next year’s state representatives (“delegates”) for the USCF annual meeting by November 1, 2011.  The one-year term of office for Illinois delegates will commence on January 1, 2012.  Six delegates and up to six alternates will be chosen by the ICA Board from nominations received.

The next USCF annual meeting will be held in Vancouver, Washington on August 11-12, 2012.  If you would like to serve as a delegate, you must confirm your ability and intent to attend the meeting. This is intended to ensure a quorum.  Travel expenses will not be reimbursed by ICA. It is also helpful (but not required) if you can attend the series of Delegate Workshops held in Vancouver on August 8-10, 2012 in which much of the advance work of the USCF annual meeting is done.

Those interested should apply by either emailing or writing to ICA’s secretary, Maret Thorpe, no later than October 1, 2011. Her email address is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and her mailing address is 1735 Wesley Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3518.  Your application should address the criteria spelled out in the ICA Bylaws section below; it should specify whether you will attend the annual meeting only, or the meeting and workshops; and should also include your email address and your telephone number. Important note: Your application is not official until you receive a confirmation of receipt via email from ICA Secretary Maret Thorpe. Please make sure you receive a confirmation.

The new procedure and criteria for selection are contained in ICA’s new Bylaws, which read (in pertinent part) as follows:

Article VII: Selection of USCF Voting Members

The Executive Board shall select the required number of delegates and alternates to represent Illinois as voting members of the USCF.  A notice shall be posted on the ICA website at least 30 days in advance of such selection asking those interested in serving in these positions to apply in writing and confirm their ability and intent to attend USCF annual meetings. Selections should be based on demonstrated commitment to ICA and USCF as gauged by the length of membership and the degree of participation.  Participation shall include but not be limited to organizing, promoting, writing articles, directing and playing in tournaments, participation on committees, and attendance at meetings.  An effort shall be made to ensure geographic balance in the selection of delegates and alternates.  Delegates may be members of the Board of Directors or the Executive Board.  Delegates shall be selected annually.  The Board may designate one of its delegates as Chief Delegate and shall make this designation known to USCF.

Delegates will be chosen by the ICA Board from all self-nominations received by October 1, 2011. The selected delegates and alternates will be notified by email at some point between October 14 and October 28. Per USCF Bylaws, selected delegates and alternates will be required to provide acceptances of their delegate positions.