“Play tactics, play aggressively, and work with a private coach…”

mom graphicSound advice from ICA member and Class A Player, Megan Chen, a talented 23- year old software engineer from Chicago. Rated 1909, Megan trains 5 hours per week with IM/WGM Nazi Paikidze and USCF Expert Ryan Murphy. Add to this regimen countless hours of calculation exercises and tactical puzzles via Stockfish,, LiChess and various chess books—and it all adds up to this gifted young player, determined to reach Expert Level (2000) by the end of 2018.


How did it begin? “I played in a Renaissance Knights’ Quest tournament when I was 11,” says Chen. “I went 2.0/4 in my section and began with a 702 provisional rating.”

Chen became a serious tournament player after finishing college; she participates in at least 25 events per year; most recently in the National Open where she went 3.5/6 in the U2100 section.  Her next event? This Sunday’s Chicago Class, 7/22.

“Chess is, above all, a fight!” Emanuel Lasker

Megan Chen“I like playing openings that clear center lines, establish position, and set up tactical fights quickly,” says Chen. “Fast fireworks!” Her personal chess bests include Morphy, Alekhine, Tal, and Active Pieces by IM Jay Bonin, the “Iron Man of Chess”.

Why chess? “In life, as in chess, we make lots of critical decisions. Chess improves critical thinking, logic, calculation (invaluable to quantitative fields), confidence, patience, resilience and sportsmanship,” says Chen. To improve, Chen asserts: “Private coaches identify your strengths and weaknesses and help you develop your best chess game.” Citing tactics as the ‘lifeblood of the middlegame’, Chen suggests replicating online/book tactical positions on a physical chessboard for greater success.

And who can argue with Megan’s success? Next stop: 2000! (and why stop there?)

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