$200 and a Dream

Name: Shreya Mangalam

Age : 15

School: Barrington HS

USCF Rating: 2142

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How far can it take you? July 2018. Shreya Mangalam is en route to the coveted Susan Polgar Girls’ Invitational in St. Louis, MO. $200? The travel stipend she pocketed after qualifying for the tournament via our ICA Warren Junior Scholar/Rising Star program.The Dream? To become a National Master (2200). What ensued? The 15-year-old Mangalam aced a co-championship and advanced her Dream via a $54,000 Scholarship to Webster University. Very sweet for the former kindergartener who loved solving chess puzzles for candy bars. Very sweet indeed.CinderChesserella?

We could spin it that way. But Shreya has loving supportive parents and knows (as do all chess players) that success is 1/3 talent, 1/3 hard work, and 1/3 providence. In 2010, under the auspices of the eminent GM Yury Shulman, Shreya went 2/5, winning her first trophy, K-3 section, at an Elgin Academy tournament. In 2013, she placed 20th in the U10 Girls’ Section at the World Chess Championship in Dubai. A major game changer. In 2014, she placed first in the K-5 States in Schaumburg. Advancing, advancing… Assessing strength, eliminating weakness. Mangalam studied with GM Shulman for 7 years; currently, she works with the prominent GM Boris Avrukh. Lucky lady.Gameplay? Mangalam likes playing the Sicilian Najdodrf and the Colle System. Favorite Chess piece? Shreya smiles: “a sly bishop on an open diagonal working with the queen can be powerful, unstoppable….”

Speaking of Queens…


Major influences? Shreya cites legendary GMs Susan Polgar and Jennifer Shahade, lauding US Chess’ “Women in Chess Initiative” spearheaded by Shahade; and, Polgar’s celebrated endeavors as being critical to recruiting now and future queens, providing opportunity, enabling excellence. Shreya admires the play of GMs Irina Krush and Jennifer Yu and encourages all young female players to “commit to the royal game” and find coaches who teach and inspire.

Tactics? “Tactics means doing what you can with what you have,” says Mangalam. “Stay motivated, stay in the present and learn from losses.” She recommends daily puzzles (John Nunn’s 1001 Deadly Checkmates), studying and replaying famous games (applying winning concepts to your own game), and practicing on sites aka Chess Tempo, Chess.com.

The Barrington Broncos

The Barrington High School Chess Team placed second at the states this year, their best finish to date. Shreya, a sophomore, was very pleased. “As a school team, we get closer and bond over the game; we have fun while competing.” Shreya is team captain next school year and looks forward to leading the Barrington Broncos—or should we say Knights?

And we, Shreya Mangalam, look forward to your now and future success as a National Master. CinderChesserella? Hardly. But for those of us who like the fairy tale… Let’s demote those nasty stepsisters (and their mother!) to the dungeon and replace them with bold, brilliant, supportive queens. The pumpkin coach? A Knight’s Tour. That to-die-for-gown? Distraction. The castle? Strong rook end games. The glass slipper? Shatters the opposition. Prince Charming? Hmm… Queen’s Gambit—accepted?


Well, however we spin it, Shreya Mangalam, the 15-year old chess talent from South Barrington IL is truly a bold, brilliant, supportive, young queen—before or after midnight!

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