2025 Tour Schedule
- Tim Just Winter Open January 3-5, 2025 www.kingregistration.com/event/timjust25
- Bradley Winter Open, GPCF/Bradley University Feb 1, 2025 www.bradleywinteropen.com
- Springfield March Checkmate Open, Springfield Chess Club, March 29, 2025 www.springfieldchessclub.com
- Greater Peoria Open, GPCF, April, www.peoriaopen.org
- Chicago Open, Continental Chess Association, May 23-27
- Springfield Mid-Year Open, Springfield Chess Club, July www.springfieldchessclub.com
- Chicago Class, Continental Chess Association, July 19-21
- Bradley Summer Open, GPCF/Bradley University, August, www.bradleysummeropen.com
- Illinois Open, Aug-Sept
- Springfield Harvest Time, Springfield Chess Club, Nov 1 www.springfieldchessclub.com
- Midwest Class, Continental Chess Association, Oct
- Illinois Class, Nov
ICA is in the process of obtaining bids for tournaments in 2019, and holding an election for five at-large board members.
Requests for bids are posted here:
Call for Bids for 2019 Illinois K-8 State Championships. Send completed bids to bids@il-chess.org.
The election schedule is here:
The following coaches and tournament directors offer their services to Illinois chess players and clubs. Listings are free for ICA members (memberships start at $15). “Affiliate” in a listing signifies an ICA Affiliate member, and readers are referred to the Affiliates web site, which includes additional detail.
Being listed does not imply an endorsement from the ICA. Users are encouraged to check references and conduct background checks.
New listings -- or updates -- should be sent to youth@il-chess.org.
Mesgen Amanov, Grandmaster, 1711 Kendale Dr., Glenview IL 60025, gmmesgen@gmail.com, 773-817-1097
Boris Avrukh, Grandmaster and Author, Co-Champion: 2014 Midwest Class. Hoffman Estates, Private or Group Lessons, in-person or via Skype. https://www.facebook.com/BorisChess. 847-337-4483, avrukhboris@hotmail.com
Caveman Chess (Kevin Bachler, FIDE Master, FIDE Trainer, USCF Professional Chess Coach (Level V), Kevin_Bachler@cavemanchess.com 224-985-5245 www.cavemanchess.com (Affiliate)
Chess Ed (Alice Holt), aholt729@earthlink.net, 847-775-9906, http://www.chess-ed.com
Chess Utopia (Frank Swindell), Grayslake, IL, frankieswindell@gmail.com
Chess Weekend (Glenn Panner, USCF Expert, USCF National Chess Coach (Level 4), glenn@chessweekend.com
815-955-4793 Individual, group lessons, schools, or camps. Located in the SW suburbs. (Affiliate)
International Educational and Cultural Services, Inc. (Mikhail Korenman, Willowbrook, IL),
785-906-0402, intecsus@yahoo.com, http://www.intecsus.org
Joshua Flores, Squarehopper@gmail.com, 815 650 5960; @Squarehopperchesspro (FB and Instagram) @SquarehopperP (twitter). Experience at a reasonable rate. (Affiliate)
Kings and Queens Chess Club (Lead Coaches: Master Tamara Golovey, Leonid Bondar, Mila Finkelshtein); 709 Drae Court, Wheeling, IL 60090; (847) 778-5259 or (847) 867-0116, (847) 207-2819. E-mail: pro.bridge@gmail.com, kqchessclub.com (Affiliate)
Dejan "Max" Maksimovic, International Master, 20 years’ experience as a chess coach, available for private, group, school, college or university instruction, as well as online lessons, chessmaxusa@netscape.net, 1-224-822-3621, https://maxchampionsacademy.com/
Arjun Vishnuvardhan, International Master, imarjunv@yahoo.com, 224-392-6981
Yury Shulman, Grandmaster, 2008 US Champion, Barrington, www.shulmanchess.com, chesswob@gmail.com, 312-375-7475
Bill Buklis, US Chess Senior TD, floor or back room, FIDE National Arbiter, scholastic or open, directing or organizing, bill@pbjzone.com
Erik Czerwin, Local TD, floor or back room, scholastic, open, or IHSA, ECzerwin@gmail.com, 815-904-1392
Joshua Flores, Local TD, back and floor, Experience in all event types - scholastic/opens, invitationals, round robins, ladders, etc. Available as an organizer as well. Squarehopper@gmail.com, 815 650 5960
Glenn Panner, National TD, floor or back room, scholastic or open, plenty of experience with organizing events, willing to work with new or experienced organizers. glenn@chessweekend.com, 815-955-4793
Maret Thorpe, USCF National Tournament Director, FIDE NA, floor or back room (WinTD or SwissSys), scholastic, open or IHSA, directing or organizing, maret@maret-thorpe.com
Stephen Plotnick, USCF Local TD, rated or non-rated events, all-age or scholastic, full-service organizing with $1m / $2m liability insurance, steve@chessforthepeople.com, 224-248-8802
Suzanne Sheridan, US Chess Local TD, floor or backroom, scholastic or open. Experience organizing and promoting events. Spanish speaker. ChessMomLyfe@gmail.com, 847-834-5631
Skyrocketing interest in youth chess over the past few decades can be explained, at least in part, by its unique ability to rivet our attention and simultaneously teach important life skills. Anyone who has watched a scholastic tournament can see the intensity of concentration engendered by this classic battle game. First-time observers typically comment on how quiet the playing room is. More important, the academic literature is now rich with studies showing that chess improves academic performance, strategic thinking, consideration of alternatives, and social skills (see The Value of Chess). It is no wonder that kids continue to flock to the game when given the opportunity, that their parents encourage it, and that chess has been incorporated into many schools’ curricula.
There are many excellent chess programs in Illinois. Most are run by dedicated teachers, parents, coaches and community volunteers. Other programs are run by private service providers, both for-profit and not-for-profit. Some of the state’s most active community-wide programs are profiled in these pages. At the same time, the chess world in Illinois has been described as islands of largely disconnected programs, and many areas of the state are largely unserved. Our purpose here is to bring together a variety of resources intended to help organizers connect with each other, start new chess programs, and improve those which already exist.
A wealth of information about chess already exists, both in hard copy and online. Our goal was to sort through it, pick out some of the best, and add useful and practical material from our own experience. ICA has assembled an experienced team to guide it through this effort (see ICA Youth Committee).
In “Learning Chess,” we begin with some basics, including how to decide whether a student may be ready for a chess program. We then summarize the research on the value of chess and include links to video clips which show the pride that can result from a successful program. A parent of a top Illinois player then describes both typical starting points and the many paths toward advancement in chess. We next recommend some of what we consider to be the best teaching material available, including computer-aided curricula, and conclude with information on chess camps and classes.
The centerpiece of our section called “Chess Programs” is our guide to starting (or improving) a scholastic program. We’ve tried in that section to address every step in the process, from initial planning through special activities designed to keep kids interested throughout the year. We then profile a number of the community-wide programs in Illinois, providing website links and contact information.
Most young players love to compete, either in school-versus-school matches or in tournaments. In our “Competition” section, we include with an overview of Illinois’ major scholastic events, which is followed by a detailed guide to tournaments prepared by one of Illinois’ top coaches. Her guide describes the types of tournaments available to Illinois players and the nuts and bolts of how they are run. Our “Competition” section also includes a piece on sportsmanship and etiquette, another containing advice for parents and players, and lists of Illinois’ past youth champions and top current players. The section also includes a link to the listing of scholastic tournaments on our Events page.
We then describe the Warren Junior Program, which provides special opportunities for the state’s top youth players. We also briefly describe the ICA Fellows Program, in which top high school and college players serve as coaches, mentors and in other ways to help youth programs statewide.
All the content can be downloaded in PDF format. Open any article, then click the Acrobat PDF icon at the upper right corner of the article. A PDF will open in a new window in about a minute. For best results, please use Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari to browse the site.
We’re at work on two other sections. In one, we’ll provide lists of clubs throughout the state, along with contact information. (Clubs will have to agree to be listed.) This should foster the kind of networking that many of you have said would be helpful. In the second, we’ll try to capture the vibrancy of Illinois youth chess by profiling some of the people who make it work, including not only top players, but outstanding coaches, parents, and organizers.
We hope you find this material helpful. Most of us on ICA’s Youth Committee have started programs and are prepared to help newcomers to Illinois’ chess scene and others with questions. We are a varied group. Some of us are chess professionals, but most are parents of chess players, teachers, amateur players interested in promoting the game, or retirees who enjoy working with kids. Feel free to get in touch with us. Short bios of our members appear on this site (see ICA Youth Committee), as does contact information for many of us (see “Contact Us”). If we cannot answer your questions ourselves, we will find someone who can.
Special thanks to the many people who have made significant contributions: Kevin Bachler, Chuck Beach, Jay Dembsky, Betsy Dynako, Louis Fogel, Hector Hernandez, Paul Kash, Colley Kitson, Mike Leali, Herb Lichtman, Brad Rosen, Andi Rosen, Garrett Scott, Joe Splinter, Jennifer Stevens, Maret Thorpe, Leo Vilker, Phil Yontez, Mike Zacate and Pattie Zinski.
Jerry Neugarten
ICA Executive Board
Stephen Plotnick (President) joined the chess community when his son started playing late 2015. He has assisted Quest Academy run by Yury Shulman where his son takes chess classes. Due to his passion he is now a TD having worked at the Chicago Open and the K-12 Greater Chicago Open at McCormick Place. He started his business life in the early 1980’s trading at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. After working for Merrill Lynch heading up their IT department for their business brokerage and valuation division in Chicago, Steve started is own consulting business in 1987. He has maintained a relationship with many large companies including a multi-billion dollar company in retail and wholesale environment for almost 30 years. This is the strength he hopes will be his best asset for serving the Illinois Chess Association.
Eric Ortega (Metro VP)
Amy Green (Downstate VP) has been active in the chess community for 16 years when her son joined the school chess team in Kindergarten. She has been active in the Bloomington/Normal Area Scholastic Chess Association for 13 years serving as President for the last 10 years. This has afforded her the opportunity to organize tournaments at both the local and state level. She partners with the local Parks and Recreation to ensure chess is offered as an activity to engage new players. In addition, she is active with both IESA and IHSA in their chess activities.
Emily Dawson (Treasurer)
Joshua Flores (Secretary) Picture this: Chicago Stockyards: railroads, steel factories, slaughter houses, warehouses. The younger branches of several Mexican families migrating into this Euro-centric neighborhood. A boy born with the gifts of pattern recognition, ADHD, spatial understanding, math abilities and a smart mouth to a marriage of two of these families. A crucible for young Josh Flores which burned and forged him into a strong-voice, determined, fighting, advocate for himself.
Puzzles satisfied a hunger for challenges and truth for the six-year-old, but the books had strange diagrams which escaped him. Figures on a checkerboard. A visit to a drug store, digging into his pocket for a quarter, and leaving with a small red and black box with the word CHESS. Another nickel and the same color scheme checkerboard was acquired. Now the problems could be solved. The box had rules!
Or so he thought.
Directors At Large
William Blackman grew up on the Southside of Chicago with 9 siblings. He learned to play chess at the old age of 13 during an after-school club held by the school. William continued to grow his love for chess at Morgan Park High School, where his math and physics teacher introduced him to chess tournaments and the study of the royal game/sport.
Over the next three decades, William would include his love of chess in everything he does from being the topic of academic studies in his MBA program, teaching philosophy, small chess, math and tutoring service, decision making, and many other parts of his life.
William firmly believes that chess saves lives and is worthy both recreational and academic time for students and adults alike. He is eager to serve the chess playing communities of Illinois.
Larry Cohen learned to play from father (Davis) and brother (Howard). First rated tournament in 1974 at Governors State University, which was mostly composed of Park Forest Chess Club (PFCC) players. Scored 1 point out of 5 games.
Directed first tournament even before being a tournament director. PFCC had about a half dozen players that were also Tournament Directors (TD), but none were available for the first round of the once-a-week tournament that was being held. I was asked to do the first round, and was told it was easy to do. I ended up directing the entire event, and that is how I was suckered into becoming a TD.
Eventually I started being a TD for events outside of the PFCC which included the US Amateur Team Midwest (now known as USAT-North), US Senior, US Amateur North, and the US All-Grade (K-12) held in Oak Brook Illinois. That led me into being a TD for scholastic events as well as adult events. That led me to being a TD for the Chicago Public Schools scholastic events as well as the Kasparov All-Girls national championships, both of which are organized and run by Renaissance Knights Chess Foundation. I have organized a number of national and non-national chess events in the Chicago area and in other states. That included in the 90s an Illinois Chess Tour event in Hammond, Indiana.
Danial Wilson
Older Members for Future Reference (hidden)
Ren Vincent Escalera was born and raised in Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines. He is a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in International Studies. He worked as a General Manager in a travel agency and was a School Administrator for 7 years. He migrated to United States in 2012 and is currently residing at Oak Park, Illinois. He is an enthusiast of chess since high school which led him to be a club TD and initiated the King’s Wisdom Chess USCF affiliation. Ren Escalera, with the help of Robert Stoltz (VP Chess Vets) and Philip Linninger (OPRFHS Chess Head Coach), have been conducting weekly free rated tournament since June 2019 at Oak Park Public Library, wherein, the goal is to make the area accessible to chess enthusiasts of Oak Park and nearby villages. Ren is married to Maria and they have two children – Scott Matthew Escalera and Quinn Jericho Escalera. He is grateful to be assisting/participating Chess Vets and Burr Ridge Chess Clubs from time to time on their chess endeavors.
Michael Lenox is a physically disabled retired US Navy Chief Petty Officer. He credits chess with his rapid recovery from severe mental effects from a major stroke 11 years ago. He is the founder/president of several Chicago area chess clubs and the Illinois Chess Vets (ICV) nonprofit organization. ICV holds weekly US Chess (USCF) tournaments, has several VA hospitals recreational chess therapy programs, oversees several chess clubs, and conducts community outreach on the health benefits of chess. He is a 1200+ strength tournament chess player, USCF Local Tournament Director, USCF Certified Coach and USCF Special Needs and Circumstance board member. His veteran organization memberships include the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans and Veterans of Foreign Wars. He currently lives in Burbank, Illinois with his wife of 19 years, Lia.
Rachel Schechter (Downstate VP) After a fortuitous meeting with Bobby Fischer in 1999, Rachel A Schechter, while teaching Lit at Ramapo College of NJ, started teaching chess. One square at a time, so to speak, from NJ to ME to CA then finally to Illinois where, for the past five years, she's advanced youngsters through chess in the Champaign-Urbana area, via classroom teaching, mentoring, and scholastic tournaments. A 2019 Delegate to the US Chess Open, Rachel utilizes chess enrichment "to build confidence, character and community". What can't we learn from the royal game?
Darren Erickson (Treasurer) learned to play chess in 8th grade (very, very many years ago) when a classmate taught him the basic rules. He first joined the United States Chess Federation in the late 1990s, but didn't really get involved in the organized chess community until he moved to Bloomington in 2005. Enjoying play as a superpatzer in the Twin Cities Chess Club and serving in Bloomington Normal Area Scholastic Chess, he is a USCF Senior Tournament Director. When not thinking about chess, he labors at working on a newly purchased home and is a voracious reader. He works as a Registered Nurse in Peoria.
Sean Hennessy (Secretary) is a passionate chess teacher. He offers private lessons online and in person, as well as group lessons through Chess Wizards. Sean also works as a Tournament Director for Renaissance Knights and runs the Riverside Chess Club. He is the recipient of Chess Journalists of America’s 2022 Best Online Interview Award, and enjoys watching GM Ben Finegold on YouTube.
Eva Harrison was born and raised in Germany and came to the U.S. in 1995 with a degree in translation from the University of Mainz-Germersheim. After working at the Chicago Waldorf School for three years, she switched to self-employment and now handles legal, financial and business translations out of her home in Beverly (Chicago). Eva is married to John and they have five children, including two sets of twins. Soon after her then third-grader David had joined the Keller Chess Club (Christopher later followed), Eva was invited by a friend to the South Suburban Chess Club in nearby Oak Lawn. While not a complete beginner, in May 2012, she joined her first chess club and played her first tournament chess challenging her sons to beat her rating. When her time allows, she also frequents other chess clubs in the area or plays table tennis. Eva is the co-captain of the Pawns, one of the teams in the West Division of the Chicago Industrial Chess League (CICL), and became a board member of the ICA in April 2017.
End Hidden section
The ICA Youth Committee is devoted to promoting, expanding and improving youth chess in Illinois for grades K-12. Our premise is that every child should have the opportunity to learn and play chess. The committee is always open to new members who might be interesting in furthering the cooperation and coordination of youth chess in Illinois. Please contact the coordinator if interested.
Stephen Plotnick (Acting Coordinator) is also the ICA Metro VP and you can see his bio in the ICA Board section. Steve is looking for some good people to join the Youth Committee. Please e-mail him at youth@il-chess.org. The committee will be working with organizers, tournament directors, parents and players in an attempt to make Illinois youth chess the best in the country. So please contact Steve with any ideas, suggestions or a desire to join the committee.
Rachel A Schechter directs the Chess Enrichment Program at the Montessori School in Champaign-Urbana. Prior to that she taught chess at Carrie Busey, Dr. Howard's and Dr Gs ChessWorks, also in Champaign-Urbana. Rachel attributes her modest success to a fortuitous meeting with chess great Bobby Fischer in October 1999 during which he said: "While you may never be a good chess player, you'll be a helluva chess teacher..." Though primarily a Literary Arts professor, educating K through college students for more than 25 years, Rachel set up chess boards in several of her classrooms from coast to coast, claiming: "Chess education is life education. What can't we learn from the Royal Game?" Devoted to advancing youth across the board(s), Rachel utilizes chess to build confidence, character and community. Her memoir: Lost, With Bobby Fischer is in its opening phase.
David Heiser is the President and Founder of the Renaissance Knights with over 13 years of experience developing innovative chess programs that enrich the lives of Chicago’s youth. He successfully brought the multi-faceted benefits of chess to over 30,000 children in Chicago through our partnership with Chicago Public School (CPS). This partnership has dramatically increased the number of schools and students participating in after-school chess clubs, playing in CPS tournaments, and participating at the state and national level. It has also led to the development of the Cops & Kids Chess Initiative which utilizes chess as a tool to bridge the divide and unite police officers and youth across Chicago. David is the Chess Consultant and Chief Tournament Director for CPS, USCF National Tournament Director, FIDE National Arbiter, and Fide Development Instructor. His focus is to continue to inspire children towards academic growth and a love for learning, motivating them to think critically while building character that will inevitably transform the communities in which they live.
Bios Pending:
Sam Salahi
Farah Turk
Bennett Joseph