ICA at the Illinois Open

The Illinois Chess Association will have representation at the upcoming Illinois Open over Labor Day in Northbrook, IL. We plan to have a board member there for at least one round each day. Please stop by to talk about some exciting news such as our new Illinois Quick rated chess tournament, improved website and some very exciting new benefits coming to both our members and affiliates. There will be an Illinois Chess Association banner in place to help you find where to visit. Here is a copy of our flyer that we will be bringing to the event. Please come and play our great Illinois Open and find a few minutes to visit with one of the board members.


Our New Website

Coming by the end of the year, and what does this mean for our members other than a clean new look; can't get much cooler than this!!!

  • PGN viewer for all website visitors
    • Games past and present
    • Endgames (puzzles)
  • Newsletter (aka ICB from the past)
  • Redesigned events section
  • Easy to use member area
  • Members only area
  • Improved affiliate features


Reasons to be a member…

  • Continued $5 discount
    • ICA events
    • Select other tournaments
  • PGN Viewer
    • Member only area viewer
    • Post your games
  • ICA Tour (Yes, we're bringing it back)

Reason to be an affiliate…

  • Events page
    • Send weekly email blast, not available if not ICA Affiliate
  • PGN Viewer
    • Post games from your events
  • ICA Tour (Yes, we're bringing it back)


Who We Are

About Us

We are the Illinois state affiliate of the United States Federation. We sponsor many state tournaments, including the Illinois Open and Class, several scholastic events such as K-8 and All Grade, plus the introduction of our Quick Rated tournament. We also send state representatives to US Chess Scholastic Championships, based on our youth invitationals.

Contact Us

Email contacts:

President: president@il-chess.org    Metro VP: metrovp@il-chess.org

Downstate VP: downstatevp@il-chess.org


A complete list of emails for all board members can be found on our website under "Contact Us".

Web: www.il-chess.org

Illinois Chess Association

PO Box 9054

Peoria, IL 60612-9054


ICA Mission Statement

 As a state affiliate, we support the mission of the US Chess Federation:

"We seek to empower people, enrich lives, and enhance communities through chess."


Completely new website

See other side of brochure for new Illinois Chess Association benefits