Club News
Roselle Library Chess Club
- Details
- Written by Bill Whited Bill Whited
We are now into 2019 and the Roselle Library has posted a schedule for upcoming tournaments and casual dates. They are planning for the first and third Thursdays of each month for rated tournament games. There will be a few exceptions to these dates so please check the ICA calendar for those exceptions.
There are casual games every Thursday night, including nights where there are tournaments. Please contact if you desire to play a rated game directed by a US Chess Tournament director on a casual Thursday date.
There is no fee for rarted games, on either tournament dates or casual dates. Steve will only be at the library on casual weeks if he is contacted in advance to set up a firm committent for that date.
Games on tournament dates game 40 with a five second delay to accomadate the chess club staring time of 7:p.m. and the closing time of 9:p.m. For other requests just let Steve know if you desire a little longer time frame or even several rated blitz or quick rated games in an evening.
Steve is our current ICA Metro VP and is also reviewing options for him to meet with other clubs. If you would like him to direct a rated game or two at your location, please contact him at the above email address. Rated games do require membership in the US Chess organization. Steve is absorbing the cost of the game rating fee and is offering his services at no charge. He only asks that if you do contact him to direct a game that you show up or at least cancel with 24 hours notice.