for the National Girls Tournament and Susan Polgar Foundation Girls Invitational

Qualification Requirement: Up to the top 12 Girls in K-12 by rating according to the January rating supplement.  Qualified players will be identified through the Warren Junior Scholar/Rising Star list of participants and from an article posted on the ICA website.  To be considered, players who are not already part of the Warren Junior Scholar/Rising Star program must contact the WJS Director by January 15 at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Event Format: 5R-RR

Time Control: Game-90 + 30/sec increment

Schedule: 3 rounds on Saturday, 2 rounds on Sunday

Round Times: (Saturday) 9:30am, 2pm, 6:30pm; (Sunday) 9:30am, 2pm

The first-place winner may choose to represent Illinois at either the National Girls tournament or the Susan Polgar Foundation Girls Invitational. The second-place player will attend the other. 

Specific information such as location of event, dates of event and non-refundable entry fee deposit (if any) to be announced in the official invitation.