Event Preview
63rd Iowa Open: August 19-20; Reserve & RBO: 8/19 only
- Details
- Written by Bill Feldman Bill Feldman
The Illinois Open -- and its related Blitz and Scholastic side events -- are Labor Day weekend -- but you shouldn't have to wait that long to play some quality chess.
Our neighbors to the west are helping Illinois promote our Open -- so I thought it only fair to give them a little love for the 63rd Iowa Open, August 19 - 20. Anything going for that long must be doing something right! And there are many things right about this weekend.
Organizer Mark Capron helped bring the event to one of my favorite chess venues of the Midwest chess calendar: the Marriot Hotel and Conference Center in Coralville, Iowa, near the beautiful University of Iowa Campus in nearby Iowa City. This is about an hour west of the Mississipi River.
Mark writes the ICA: "The area is excellent with easy access right on I-80. There are multiple micro breweries and restaurants within a five-minute walk. "
If you'd like some new competition without flying to a national event, the Iowa Open offers the Open Section, a Reserve Section and a "Rated Beginners Open" for players Under 1200. Both the Reserve and the RBO are one-day events.
Mark reports that the 2016 Iowa Open "pulled from across the nation last year with players from more than ten states including Washington, New Hampshire, Virginia along with Iowa and all adjacent states."
They've even added a mixed doubles option to this year's tournament. And there is a Quick Chess Championship the night before (Game/10; three-second delay).
Registration and complete details for all the events can be found at:
The information for the MAIN event is listed below, but the other events are posted at Online Registration too:
Aug 19-20. 63rd Iowa Open Championship (USCF & FIDE Rated) IASCA GP Super Qualifier. 5-SS, G/90, i30. Accelerated pairings may be used in Rounds 1-2. IASCA Super GP Qualifier. Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, 300 E 9th St. (I-80, SE side of Exit 242), Coralville, IA 52241. Reg: 8:30am and ends at 9:30am Rds: Sat 10:15, 2:30, & 7:30; Sun 9:30 & 2:30 EF: $57 if postmarked before 8/14; $69 at site. IM & GM free-EF deducted from any prize, Jrs. & Sr. $10 off, $10 off Out of state residents. Prize Info: Prizes: ($2000 b/65 Top 3 Gtd) 600+T-300-200 U2200, U2000, U1800, U1600 150/75 each. US Chess Federation (USCF) membership required. On Site Available.IASCA membership required, ($10 or Out of State Accepted (OSA). On-Site Available. Send Entry Fee to: IASCA, c/o Mark Capron, 3123 Juniper Dr., Iowa City, IA 52245 or register online at www.onlineregistration.ccAdditional Info: USCF and FIDE Rated!! Byes: Bye available Rounds 1-3 if requested prior to start of round. Rounds 4-5 only if requested prior to tournament starting. USCF – August 2017 Rating List will be used for pairing purposes. FIDE rules will be used. Chess Magnet School JGP. Call 319-321-5435 or mcapron243@mchsi.com Directions: Take I-80 to exit 242, go south to 9th street, take a left and follow to the end of 9th street and you are there! The Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, Chess rate available, $128 (INCLUDES PARKING) only until 8/1/17, rates may increase after this date. Pool, restaurant, more restaurants in walking distance. 319-688- 4000.
Ever-helpful, Mark has offered an alternative hotel option:
"Overflow hotel option is the Heartland Inn (844-262-8963). It is a two-minute drive away, but they have offered very affordable rates. Tell them you’re with the chess tournament."
Last but not least, if you'd like to go but don't have a ride from Illinois -- or just want to save fuel and wish to carpool -- contact bill@dekalbchess.com who will help to coordinate the possibility.