The Illinois Chess Bulletin
We have a treasure trove of chess history here in Illinois. The Illinois Chess Bulletin (ICB) has recorded much of it. Thanks to the efforts of several longtime ICA members, we now have scanned the entire collection of printed ICBs from 1979 through 2009 and made them available online.
The e-ICB was published from 2006-2008. An archive of those issues is available here.
Below are summaries of two particularly interesting issues.
Special thanks to David Long for his diligence in completing 30 years of the printed ICB archive.
Illinois Chess Bulletin for May-June 2001

ICB interviews Web journalist Mig Greengard and takes a second look at Bobby Fischer's 1964 simultaneous display at the Edgewater Beach Hotel.
Blair Machaj, Al Chow, and William Aramil cover Yelena Gorlin's repeat victory at the Illinois Denker Qualifier, while Chow also annotates a batch of games from the 2001 National Open.
Machaj modestly displays his first GM scalp; Alexander Stamnov wins the Greater Peoria Open.
And (it seems like yesterday) Tom Kirke tells us the Chicago Chess Club has moved to the Wild Onion!
Tim Krabbé, Frank Skoff, Wayne Zimmerle, Kevin Bachler, Tim Just, Dennis Bourgerie, Ron Suarez, and Bill Smythe contribute.
Illinois Chess Bulletin for July-August 2002

Last night Bill Brock submitted some of his old files. They need to be shared with all our members and visitors. This one is about Richard Verber, a chess legend in Illinois. The article in this issue is the second part of a tribute to Richard written by Tim Redman.
Here's ICB Volume 25 Issue 4 from 2002. It's in pdf format and is about 4.2 Mb in size. Hope you enjoy it.