Parmet Draws U.S. Champ at Simul

He's not yet rated high enough to be part of the Chicago Blaze team he manages, but last weekend Illinois' own Dan Parmet proved he knows a thing or two about chess when he drew reigning U.S. Champion Gata Kamsky at an 8-player simul in Atlantic City.  Parmet discusses the game and the simul on a Chess Scoop video, and the game is featured on the USCF site.  In the main event after the simul, Parmet went on to score 4.5/6 points, breaking the 2000 mark and officially becoming an expert.  Congrats to Dan on a great event. 

The tournament was organized by two other prominent Illinois Chess figures, Glenn Panner and Tim Just, and helping with TD duties was fellow Illinoisian Wayne Clark.