Santarius Wins Blitz, Angelo Young Wins State Title

NM Erik Santarius won the ICA Blitz Championship with an excellent 9-1 score against very tough competition. As Erik is a Wisconsin resident, the second-place finisher, IM Angelo Young, adds the title of 2011 Illinois Blitz Champion to his five "slow" titles. Anglelo scored 7½-2½. Two-time US Game/30 champion Michael Auger, NM Eric Rosen, NM Atulya Shetty, and Matthew Wilber tied for third with 7-3.

Class prizes went to: Zhaozhi Li (U2000), Jeremy Van Hatten (U1800), Robert Lewis (U1400) and Leo Vilker (U1600). The Illinois State Blitz Championship was held on Saturday, February 19, during the two-day US Amateur Team-North event in Northbrook.