Santarius Wins Blitz, Angelo Young Wins State Title

NM Erik Santarius won the ICA Blitz Championship with an excellent 9-1 score against very tough competition. As Erik is a Wisconsin resident, the second-place finisher, IM Angelo Young, adds the title of 2011 Illinois Blitz Champion to his five "slow" titles. Anglelo scored 7½-2½. Two-time US Game/30 champion Michael Auger, NM Eric Rosen, NM Atulya Shetty, and Matthew Wilber tied for third with 7-3.

Class prizes went to: Zhaozhi Li (U2000), Jeremy Van Hatten (U1800), Robert Lewis (U1400) and Leo Vilker (U1600). The Illinois State Blitz Championship was held on Saturday, February 19, during the two-day US Amateur Team-North event in Northbrook.

US Amateur Team Tournament Returns to Chicago Area

The U. S. Amateur Team (USAT) North, a popular USCF national event, is returning to the Chicago area for the first time since 2005. The USCF invited veteran organizers Tim Just and Glenn Panner  to run the event, which will be held February 18-20 at the Crowne Plaza in Northbrook, Illinois. The event includes a Scholastic Team side event on Saturday, as well as ICA’s 2011 Illinois Blitz Championship on Saturday night.

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Parmet Draws U.S. Champ at Simul

He's not yet rated high enough to be part of the Chicago Blaze team he manages, but last weekend Illinois' own Dan Parmet proved he knows a thing or two about chess when he drew reigning U.S. Champion Gata Kamsky at an 8-player simul in Atlantic City.  Parmet discusses the game and the simul on a Chess Scoop video, and the game is featured on the USCF site.  In the main event after the simul, Parmet went on to score 4.5/6 points, breaking the 2000 mark and officially becoming an expert.  Congrats to Dan on a great event. 

The tournament was organized by two other prominent Illinois Chess figures, Glenn Panner and Tim Just, and helping with TD duties was fellow Illinoisian Wayne Clark. 

Helen Warren Honored at ICA Banquet

ICA President Tom Sprandel presents gift to ICA founding member Helen Warren. (Photo by Betsy Dynako)More than 40 ICA members from near and far gathered Sunday to celebrate Helen Warren, for her decades of contributions to Illinois and United States chess. While Warren is best known among current ICA members because her name is attached to the state program she founded for Illinois’ top junior players, her contributions over the years were much broader and far-reaching.

She served as the longtime editor of what at the time was the highly regarded Illinois Chess Bulletin, and held numerous leadership roles in the United States Chess Federation. Past ICA president Fred Gruenberg, the banquet’s keynote speaker, praised her organization and running of the Midwest Masters tournaments in the 1980s, which brought top chess players from around the country and the world to Chicago. “Those tournaments were run to perfection, as was everything she did,” Gruenberg said.

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Chicago Blaze Headed to Playoffs

NM Trevor Magness and mom Cheryl are all smiles after Trevor's victory helped propel the Blaze to the USCL playoffs.The Cubs and White Sox couldn't make it happen this season, but thanks to the Blaze, Chicago can boast at least one team that's clinched a playoff spot this month. Wednesday night's crucial victory over the Dallas Destiny in the last week of regular season play not only nabbed a postseason spot for Chicago's beloved internet chess squad, but it clinched second place in the Western Division, which means that in next week's matchup with the Miami Sharks, Chicago will have coveted draw odds.  In the Dallas matchup,  IM Florin Felecan at board 3 and NM Trevor Magness at board 4 both had exciting wins, while at Board 1 GM Dmitry Gurevich held IM Sal Bercys to a draw, to come out ahead 2.5-1.5.   Fans are encouraged to come support the team in person at next week's playoff match on Wednesday, Nov. 3, at the Blaze's home, the newly opened North Shore Chess Center, 5500 W. Touhy, Suite A, Skokie, Illinos. Rumor has it there may even be prizes for some lucky fans. 

For complete coverage of the match and for all the latest Blaze news, check out the Blaze blog.  And see the U.S. Chess League site for news and info about its 16 teams across the country.

See Bill Brock's analysis of the games at the new ICA Chess Blog.