Chicago Tribune Columnist Applauds CCF Efforts


Chicago Tribune Columnist Mary Schmick has profiled CPS Teacher Candice Usher and her efforts at teaching chess to Fuller Elementary School students. Schmick continues on by applauding the Chicago Chess Foundation and former ICA Youth Chairperson Jerry Neugarten: Reprint of Mary Schmick column, 4/30/17

Although CCF has made some progress this past year, a Tribune reader subsequently has written lamenting the pace of progress at CPS -- and reminiscing upon past efforts to spread chess through the public schools: Tribune Letter, May 3, 2017

May 4 is designated as a charitable giving day so why not help support the growth of chess through a donation through the CCF or the ICA?

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US Chess Launches Dating App To Bring Like-Minded Couples Together, Promoting the Romance of Chess


Utilizing propreitary algorithms developed by demographic researchers at the Devry Institute, US Chess has launched a new "app" aimed at creating compatible couples.

Project manager Alex Aleksandrovich indicates that by bringing together more chess players today, US Chess hopes to expand the number of chess-playing offspring in the next generation.

"Too often chess players are inter-marrying with non-chess players and we are noting lower tournament participation levels from these intermarriages," said Aleksandrovich. "Those electronic devices and Magic the Gathering are just too enticing to today's youth."

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Ghita Wins U1900 at Mid-American; Li Co-Champ in U1700


A six-way tie for first with 4.0/5 left out Illinois players at the 21st Mid-American Open!

George Li, David Peng and Tansel Turgut were all a half-point back, part of a seven-pack of 3.5 scorers. Li managed an impressive draw against the event's top-rated player and co-champion, Fidel Jimenez.

Peng went undefeated with three draws and two wins.

Gopal Menon, Jacob Furfine, Spencer Lehmann, Mark Robledo, Jr., Marissa Li and Aydin Turgut all posted solid 3.0 scores. Aydin and Jacob were bookends of sorts -- both facing off against the aforementioned Jimenez, Aydin in the first round, Jacob in the last round.

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60 Minutes to Profile Chess Sunday March 26


The venerable CBS TV news program 60 Minutes is returning to a topic it has covered in the past: chess.

According to postings, the centerpiece of the spot revolves around a chess program located in Mississippi.

Numerous efforts are underway in Illinois regarding chess in the schools and the ICA stands ready to help in anyway it can.

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Pastor and Moolky Top U1600 at Chess-Ed's Kumbaya 100


Chess-Ed ran its 100th Kumbaya tournament March 5 at Niles North High School in Skokie.

114 competed in four rated sections with additional players participating in non-rated games.

Jonathan Phillips and Avi Kaplan were the elite duo in the 1600-plus field, playing head to head, with Phillips winning all three matches.

16 entrants faced off in the Under 1600 section with Adam Pastor and Ankush Moolky both posting perfect three-for-three tallies in Game/40; 5-second delay competition. Seven finished tied for third with 2.0/3 scores.

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