2024 Illinois K-8 State Chess Championship
- When:
- Friday, March 8, 2024 - Sunday, March 10, 2024
- Where:
- Hyatt Regency Schaumburg - Schaumburg, IL
- Category:
- Scholastic Tournaments
Presented by Chess Weekend, Inc. and the Illinois Chess Association
7SS, Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, 1800 E. Golf Rd., Schaumburg, IL 60173, (847) 605-1234
Rooms: $115 (single-quad) by 2/26, book here: https://www.hyatt.com/en-US/group-booking/CHIRW/G-ILKC
Free Wi-Fi at hotel, free parking, Near Woodfield Mall.
Four Sections – K-1 (G/25 d5), Grades 2-3 (G/40 d5), Grades 4-5 (G/55 d5), Grades 6-8 (G/55 d5).
Entry Fee: $50 on-line here or postmarked USPS by 2/24/24; $60 on-line or postmarked by 3/1/24; $70 after that until 3/7/24 7 pm, $75 on-site (entries after 7:00pm 3/7/24 cannot be guaranteed pairing for round 1, instead they may receive 1/2 point bye round 1).
Must be current USCF member by 8:30 am, 3/08 to be paired. Checks payable only to Chess Weekend.
Note: Club teams are not allowed for this tournament. Only schools may be selected in the team field.
Individual: 1st –25th Place in each section (K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8) INDIVIDUAL SECTION WINNER WILL ALSO RECEIVE A Custom Chess Clock. Grade Awards: 1st-2nd each grade.
Class Awards: 1st-2nd Place with several classes per section. Commemorative medal or ribbon to all players.
Teams: 1st-10th Place in each section. Special Sportsmanship trophy!
Schedule: Opening Ceremony Sat., 3/09/24 at 9:30 am. K-1: Sat. 10-12:30-2-3:30, Sun. 9-10:30-12:30; Grades 2-3: Sat. 10-12:30-2:30-4:30 Sun. 9-11-1; Grades 4-5 & Grades 6-8: Sat. 10-12:45-3:15-5:45 Sun. 9-11:30-2.
Awards Ceremony: Sun, 3/10/24, K-1: 2 pm in the K-1 playing room. 2-3, 4-5, 6-8 5:00 pm or ASAP in the main playing room.
Byes: Maximum of 2 half-point byes are available. Zero-point bye only in the last round. Half-point byes must be requested by the end of the second round.
Side Events: Click here to register for the side events.
- Bughouse Tournament – Fri, 3/8/24, 6:15 – 7:45 pm. 5 round Swiss. Enter on-site only. $20 per team ($10 for individuals and we help you create a team) FREE INDIVIDUAL BUGHOUSE ENTRY WITH RECEIPT FOR BOTH BLITZ & PUZZLE SOLVING! Registration closes at 6 pm, Fri, 3/8/24. One section only, K-8. Bughouse Awards: 1st-3rd Place.
- Blitz Tournament – 5 SS Fri, 3/8/24, 8-9:30 pm. 5 round Swiss. $15 on-line until 3/7/24. $20 after that or onsite. Registration onsite closes at 7:30 pm, 3/8/24. Blitz Awards: Individual: 1st-5th plus class awards.
- Puzzle Solving – Saturday 3/9/24, 7:45 pm, $15 on-line by 3/11/24. $20 after that or onsite. Puzzle Solving Prizes: 1st-5th overall; 1st-5th U1000.
- Awards Ceremony for Blitz/Bughouse/Puzzle Solving: Sun, 9 am.
Mailed entries: Checks payable only to Chess Weekend (no checks to USCF): Mail registrations with name-contact info-grade-birthday-team/school-USCF ID & exp.-address-city-zip-e-mail address-coach name & contact info to: Glenn Panner, 21694 Doud Ct., Frankfort, IL 60423.
Entries: $10 service charge for on-site changes, and all refunds. Book Vending by Rochester Chess.
Information: glenn@chessweekend.com, www.chessweekend.com
Pairings and Results will be available online during the tournament.
All special rules, details, and tournament conditions subject to change without notice; changes will be posted ASAP at the tournament site, at chessweekend.com, at il-chess.org, and at kingregistration.com.
- Location:
- Hyatt Regency Schaumburg - Website
- Street:
- 1800 E. Golf Rd
- ZIP:
- 60173
- City:
- Schaumburg
- State:
- IL