
2024 Illinois K-8 State Chess Championship


Friday, March 8, 2024 - Sunday, March 10, 2024
Hyatt Regency Schaumburg - Schaumburg, IL
Scholastic Tournaments


Presented by Chess Weekend, Inc. and the Illinois Chess Association

7SS, Hyatt Regency Schaumburg, 1800 E. Golf Rd., Schaumburg, IL 60173, (847) 605-1234
Rooms: $115 (single-quad) by 2/26, book here:
Free Wi-Fi at hotel, free parking, Near Woodfield Mall. 

Four Sections – K-1 (G/25 d5), Grades 2-3 (G/40 d5), Grades 4-5 (G/55 d5), Grades 6-8 (G/55 d5). 

Entry Fee: $50 on-line here or postmarked USPS by 2/24/24; $60 on-line or postmarked by 3/1/24; $70 after that until 3/7/24 7 pm, $75 on-site (entries after 7:00pm 3/7/24 cannot be guaranteed pairing for round 1, instead they may receive 1/2 point bye round 1).

Must be current USCF member by 8:30 am, 3/08 to be paired. Checks payable only to Chess Weekend.

Note: Club teams are not allowed for this tournament. Only schools may be selected in the team field.


Individual: 1st –25th Place in each section (K-1, 2-3, 4-5, 6-8) INDIVIDUAL SECTION WINNER WILL ALSO RECEIVE A Custom Chess Clock. Grade Awards: 1st-2nd each grade.

Class Awards: 1st-2nd Place with several classes per section. Commemorative medal or ribbon to all players.

Teams: 1st-10th Place in each section. Special Sportsmanship trophy! 

Schedule: Opening Ceremony Sat., 3/09/24 at 9:30 am. K-1: Sat. 10-12:30-2-3:30, Sun. 9-10:30-12:30; Grades 2-3: Sat. 10-12:30-2:30-4:30 Sun. 9-11-1; Grades 4-5 & Grades 6-8: Sat. 10-12:45-3:15-5:45 Sun. 9-11:30-2.

Awards Ceremony: Sun, 3/10/24, K-1: 2 pm in the K-1 playing room. 2-3, 4-5, 6-8 5:00 pm or ASAP in the main playing room.

Byes: Maximum of 2 half-point byes are available. Zero-point bye only in the last round. Half-point byes must be requested by the end of the second round.

Side Events: Click here to register for the side events.

  • Bughouse Tournament – Fri, 3/8/24, 6:15 – 7:45 pm. 5 round Swiss. Enter on-site only. $20 per team ($10 for individuals and we help you create a team) FREE INDIVIDUAL BUGHOUSE ENTRY WITH RECEIPT FOR BOTH BLITZ & PUZZLE SOLVING! Registration closes at 6 pm, Fri, 3/8/24. One section only, K-8. Bughouse Awards: 1st-3rd Place.
  • Blitz Tournament – 5 SS Fri, 3/8/24, 8-9:30 pm. 5 round Swiss.  $15 on-line until 3/7/24. $20 after that or onsite. Registration onsite closes at 7:30 pm, 3/8/24. Blitz Awards: Individual: 1st-5th plus class awards.
  • Puzzle Solving – Saturday 3/9/24, 7:45 pm, $15 on-line by 3/11/24. $20 after that or onsite. Puzzle Solving Prizes: 1st-5th overall; 1st-5th U1000.
  • Awards Ceremony for Blitz/Bughouse/Puzzle Solving: Sun, 9 am.


Mailed entries: Checks payable only to Chess Weekend (no checks to USCF): Mail registrations with name-contact info-grade-birthday-team/school-USCF ID & exp.-address-city-zip-e-mail address-coach name & contact info to: Glenn Panner, 21694 Doud Ct., Frankfort, IL 60423.

Entries: $10 service charge for on-site changes, and all refunds. Book Vending by Rochester Chess.


Pairings and Results will be available online during the tournament.

All special rules, details, and tournament conditions subject to change without notice; changes will be posted ASAP at the tournament site, at, at, and at


Hyatt Regency Schaumburg - Website
1800 E. Golf Rd