40 seats were available.  And 40 young chess players rose to the occasion of the Sunday Chess Challenge, held on back to back weekends (2/11 & 2/18) at the Champaign Public Library:   4 rounds, accelerated Swiss, g/30/ d/5.  Of the 40 players, K-8, 23 were USCF newcomers, flexing their rated chess muscles for the first time.  Welcome brave souls and kudos to all!  Here’s how it played:

Rated:  1st Pl Anthony Yang (4.0); 2nd Pl Navid Tajhorshid.  Six players tied for 3rd Pl, each scoring 3.0:  Joseph Torrellas, Jeffrey Yao, Kaylee Zheng, Jonah Singer, Dhiya Gopalakrishnan Sasikala, and Jonathan Ouyang. 

Unrated:  1st Pl Yao Chang (2.5).  Eight players tied for 2-3 Pl, each scoring 2.0:  Samuel Balogh, Jiwoo Kim, Tianyou Liu, Arya Thirodira, Alyssa Stevens, Raymond Zhang, Sohum Gurrapu, and Marshall-Flynn Mitchell. 

“We awarded modest cash prizes,” said Rachel Schechter, Downstate VP, ICA and Treasure Chess Association Director, “using Presidential Dollar coins with numismatic value greater than their legal tender face value.”  Why?  “It’s tantamount to chess knowledge:  the more you accumulate, the greater the value.   We consider the royal game to be a community treasure and we treasure everyone who comes on board.  Plus, it’s our signature.

Talented Chess Instructors John Klein and Daniel Wright served as floor stewards and awards presenters.   Dr. G’s Brainworks donated gift certificates.  Parents volunteered.  The Champaign Library cast and crew provided a stellar venue.  It was a community effort for a chess success! 

Our next rated tournament is the Treasure Chess Spring Scholastic K-12, Sunday, April 15 from 12-6 at the Champaign Public Library.  $15.  Only 70 seats available.  Reserve your seat: treasurechessrewards@gmail.com  312-709-9260, 630-733-9260.