Today marks the resumption of the publishing of a time-consuming but much-requested feature of the ICA website: a listing of the Illinois youth on the monthly top 100 lists of the US Chess Federation.

Many good players have come through these lists and enhanced their ratings over time. 48 youth managed to make one of these twelve lists this month.

The four US Chess Masters with ratings above 2200 are David Peng (Age 12), George Li (Age 16), and Jacob Furfine along with Alex Bian (both Age 15). Several other Experts (rated 2000+) are getting close to joining them.

At one time in 2015, Illinois had as many as eight 18 year olds in the top 100. This month, only Bradley Guan qualified -- although he is off at college in Pennsylvania. If only those kids would stop getting older!

Ratings used are the official April mark which takes into account rated games submitted through March 16. Players must have been active in US Chess play within the last 12 months -- and have a current US Chess membership -- or they fall off these lists. 

Since this feature was last published, US Chess has published separate lists for Girls at each age level and those have not been published here. If you would like to volunteer to do those look ups each month, please contact It shouldn't take more than an hour each month.

As with any other article posted on this site, errors or omissions will be promptly correctly upon notice to


US Rank Name Rating
Ages 7 and Under
4 Dimitar Mardov 1650
10 David Yong 1526
33 Aren Emrikian (6) 1319
66 Andrew Friedman 1130
95 Julian Wang 1035
Age 8
36 Alex Zhao 1460
68 William Wang 1324
Age 9
13 Arthur Xu 1886
42 Aaron Gan 1688
87 Toby Yang 1453
100 Eduard Danilyan 1420
Age 10
27 Patrick Rao 1808
33 Peter Zheng 1761
Age 11
10 Aydin Turgut 2088
55 Adam Bareket 1831
93 Brian Gong 1712
99T Fred Yuan 1700
Age 12
4 David Peng 2326
22 Ricky Wang 2053
26 Jason Daniels 2034
42 Shreya Mangalam 1931
45 Siddharth Acharya 1897
55 Aidan Carey 1879
57 Edward Zhang 1867
Age 13
44 Tom Bareket 1973
50 Marissa Li 1939
85 Ishaar Ganesan 1856
Age 14
6 Jacob Furfine 2291
33 Vincent Do 2079
38T Hanson Hao 2061
40 Akhil Kalghatgi 2057
47 Nikhil Kalghatgi 2037
88 Miranda Liu 1901
91 Tej Rai 1897
Age 15
16T Alex Bian 2241
39 Daniel Bronfeyn 2128
40 Matthew Stevens 2125
67T Rishi Narayanan 2032
69 Jack Curcio 2028
Age 16
12 George Li 2294
40 Anshul Adve 2153
44 Nicholas Bartochowski 2140
88 Andrew Fei 1952
Age 17
35 Jonathan Hrach 2170
40 Spencer Lehmann 2141
64 Zach Holecek 2057
92 Caleb Denby 1974
Age 18
31 Bradley Guan 2149